
Methodlogy and Concepts:
Statement: statement is generally meant group of words that have meaning but in the logic statement group of words that have two terms, first term is used under subject and the second term under predicate. the statements in logic are called prepositions or premis
Premises: the premises that has the major term is callled major premises and the premises that has the minor term is called minor premise.
Term:the predcate of major premises is called major term ans is denoted by S and the terms which are common in both the premises are called middle term which is denoted by M. for example:
             All men are mortal (Major Premises)
             Ram is man (Minor premise)
             Ram is mortal (Conclusion)
Here 'mortal is a major tern and its subject is ot minor term hence because it is in minor premise also so it is middle term. Minor term here is "ram".

In logic unit of argument is called prepostion or premise and unit of though is called term. A preposition is different from a sentecnce that its predicate either affirm or deny the subject,i.e., if we say that "I have taken food". in this sentence predicate neither affirns nor denies the subject but if we say that "a man is mortal" then the word mortal asffirms the  man so this is a prepositions and "I have taken food" is justa sentence. now the question is how will we identify the major and minor premises in a syllogism (group of Logical statements). It is possible by identyfying the major and minor terms. For this purpose study the 1st and 2nd premises and identify the preducate which had vital and wide concept. It will be tha major term and the terms which come in the both premises will be the middle terms. a terms may have one word or more than one word. moreover, minor term will be used as subject of the conclusion and its predicate will be the major term.

Type of Syllogism:
1. Categorical: Here all the prepositions are categorical in positive or negative form and no doubtfullness is seen at all, e.g.,
             All graduates are eligible (major)
             All eligible are men (Minor)
             Some Eligible are graduates  (Con...)

2. Hypothetical: The syllogism of this type uses prmise of conditions "If he works had, he will succeed." Here the first part is called antecedent and the second part is called consequent. in this type of syllogism the major premise is hypothetical losing some thing and the minor premise will be categorical, e.g., If he comes, I shall meet Him. In this syllogism
              If he come   (Major)
              I shall meet him  (Minor)

3. Disjunctive: In this type of syllogism the major premise is disjunctive and the other two premises are categorical, e.g.,
            Either he is an hionest man or a thief.  (Major)
            He is an honest man (Minor)
            He is not a thief (concl....)

4. Relational:  Here relations between various terms are shown orderl, e.g.,
   A>B, B>C, C>D
   so A>D  (Concl....)

5. Deilmma: In such type of syllogism the major premise is double hypthetical and minor premise is a double hypthotical and minor  premise is of disjunctive type and the conclusion will either disjunctive or categorical,.eg.
   (i) If these books confirm to Quran they are reliable if they do noot they ary are superfluous.
   (ii) Either they confirm to Quaran or they do not
   (iii) Either they are reliable or superfluous
In the above example the seconf and third premises are disjunctive.

6. Copula: The verb used in the premises in logic is called copula. for this purpose "is" and "are" generally used and logicians always talks in the term of the present

Types pf Prepositions;
 1. From the quantative point of view:-from the quality of point of view it is of two types: 
          a) affirmative i.e., All  graduates are men. 
          b) Negative:- No man is harworking.
 2. From the quantative Point of View: This view also has two types: a) Universal:- in which the subject is universal and refers to all without exception,i.e.,     Human beings are mortal. b) Particular-in which the subject does not refer to all,i.e., some people are not hardworking

The prepositions which begins with proper noun will also be treated as universal. Similarly, the propositions which uses phrase like "all but one", 90% about 50% etc will be treated as particular prepositions. the words like some times, often generally, etc, also make the prepositions particular. The prepositions which use words like few, little, hardly, scarely, etc, are considered to be negative used in prepositions then the preposition will become affirmative. On the basis of above divisions we can say that there are four types of categorical prepositions in logic;